هدف خفض الكربون

Our vision for carbon emission 2050

This reports indicates that the University of STU emits a total of 694.41 tonnes of CO2 per year from Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 sources. The majority of emissions come from gasoline used for electricity generation (Scope 1) and purchased electricity consumption (Scope 2).

To reduce the university’s carbon footprint and achieve its

sustainability goals, the following measures are being taken gradually to reduce our carbon emissions and cut them by half by 2050:



1.Transition to Renewable Energy: Invest in solar power systems and other renewable energy sources to reduce dependence on gasoline-powered generators and purchased electricity with high carbon intensity.


2. Energy Efficiency: At University of STU we are gradually implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices to optimize energy consumption in buildings and other facilities.


3. Sustainable Transportation: Encouraging the use of public transportation, bicycles, and electric vehicles on campus to reduce Scope 3 emissions from off-campus fuel combustion.

4. Offsetting Initiatives: University of STU is engaging in carbon offsetting projects such as tree planting or supporting renewable energy projects to compensate for unavoidable emissions.

5. Green Building Designs: The University of STU incorporates green building designs in most of its buildings, prioritizing natural lighting and ventilation. Future constructions follow the same sustainable practices, using environmentally friendly materials. These efforts contribute to energy efficiency and align with the university’s goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

The University of STU being relatively a new organization is committed to invest with all its capacity towards reaching net zero by 2050 and is already working towards its commitment to sustainability, achieving emission reductions via its clever strategies and implementation of clean energy sources, to make a positive contribution to the global fight against climate change.

Providing clean and sustainable energy using photovoltaic systems
