سياسة الأستثمار المستدامة للمؤسسة

Institution sustainable investment policy:

Based on the principal of decentralization, and to promote domestic and international investment, the National Investment Law created the NIC and PICs in each province of Iraq. The underlying goal of the NIC and the PICs is to facilitate all essential and necessary approvals for obtaining an investment license, and to facilitate the creation of successful and sustainable investment projects through the ‘One-Stop Shop.’ (SUB MENULE OF CONTENTS LEGAL GUIDE TO INVESTMENT IN IRAQ – https://investpromo.gov.iq/?menu_id=13392)

The university can serve society by contributing to employing scientific research in the needs of productive and service sectors, and by allocating places in universities for a number of companies and organizations in those sectors in order to take their headquarters as a place of interaction for academic faculty, students, and laboratories, and to cooperate to solve the problems faced by those productive sectors. Or various services, which prevent the development of organizations (Nashsheda et al, 2018: 3).

Sustainable development is a term that has received increasing attention, especially after the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987, when a definition of development was formulated by the Brodt land Sustainable Commission: development that meets current needs without compromising the needs and rights of future.

