بروتوكول الغازات الدفيئة GHG

report presents a comprehensive view of the greenhouse gas emissions of the University of STU, Basrah, Iraq. The analysis covers Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 (GHG Protocol, A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard , World Resources Institute, Washington DC.) emissions, which are categorized based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol corporate standards. The aim of this analysis is to identify the university’s carbon footprint and propose strategies for emission reduction and transitioning to cleaner energy sources.

Scope 1 Emissions:

Scope 1 emissions encompass direct greenhouse gas emissions that occur from sources owned or controlled by the university. It includes emissions from on-campus activities such as electricity production and transportation.

1. Gasoline used for generators’ electricity production: 1980 liters/month (Estimated 79200 liters/year)
2. Carbon intensity factor for gasoline: 2.31 kg CO2 per liter (commonly used for gasoline combustion)

Total Scope 1 emissions from gasoline (generators) = 79200 liters * 2.31 kg CO2/liter =
182952 CO2(Kg)

Scope 2 Emissions:

Scope 2 emissions encompass indirect greenhouse gas emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity, heat, or steam. These emissions occur as a result of university activities but are generated off-campus.

1. Total electricity consumption from non-solar sources: 518764.8 kWh/year
2. Carbon intensity factor for electricity: 0.5 kg CO2/kWh

Scope 2 emissions = Total electricity consumption * Carbon intensity factor
Scope 2 emissions =518764 kWh/year * 0.5 kg CO2/kWh = 259382 kg CO2

Scope 3 Emissions:

Scope 3 emissions encompass all other indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the university’s activities, but occur outside the university’s boundaries. It includes emissions from off-campus fuel combustion and international flights.

1. Monthly fuel consumption (outside campus): 3000 liters,( annual: 3000*12= 36000)
2. Carbon intensity factor for gasoline: 2.31 kg CO2 per liter (commonly used for gasoline combustion)
3. Total international flights (one way): 30 (Assuming average distance of 1,500 kilometers for each flight)

Estimated emissions from off-campus fuel combustion = 3000 liters * 2.31 kg CO2/liter = 6930 kg CO2

Estimated emissions from international flights= 30 flights * 1,500 km * 0.24 kg CO2/passenger- km = 10,800 kg CO2 (10.8 tonnes CO2)

Scope 3 emissions = Estimated emissions from international flights + Estimated emissions from off-campus fuel combustion
Scope 3 emissions =10800 Kg CO2 + 6930 Kg CO2 = 17730 Kg CO2

Summary of Emissions:
● Scope 1 emissions: 18.2952 tonnes of CO2 per year
● Scope 2 emissions: 25.9382 tonnes of CO2 per year
● Scope 3 emissions: 17.730 tonnes of CO2 per year

