
The Engineering Technical College – Basra discusses a master’s thesis on deep learning techniques to detect faults in high voltage transmission lines by relying on unmanned aircraft

The Engineering Technical College – Basra discussed a master’s thesis on deep learning techniques to detect faults in high voltage transmission lines by relying on drones (for graduate student Saja Raad Abdul Bari in the Electrical Power Engineering Department, in the presence of the Dean of the College, Prof.Dr. Adnan Abdullah Ateeq. The study concluded […]

A master’s thesis at the Southern Technical University discusses the remote electronic health system

A master’s thesis was discussed at the Graduate Studies of the Southern Technical University, about a remote e-health system through a lightweight and secure for e-health protocol based on the Internet of Things. The thesis submitted by the student (Saja Ali Hussein) in the Master Program of Electrical Engineering Technologies included studying the electronic health […]

Southern Technical University organizes specialized development courses for the wounded and families of martyrs

The Center for Continuing Education and the Computer Center within the Southern Technical University implemented courses in computer applications, occupational safety and the English language for the wounded and families of martyrs in cooperation with the Jaafar Al-Tayyar Center for the Rehabilitation of the Wounded in Basra Governorate. The courses included training and practical lectures […]

Students of health and medical specializations at Southern Technical University begin their summer training

The students of the College of Health and Medical Technologies within the Southern Technical University started their summer training in the health institutions of the geographical area  they included by its. Where the Al-Toba and Al-Nakhila Center of the Al-Hartha Health Sector received the university students and participated in lectures organized by the official of […]

The Department of Construction and Projects at the Southern Technical University implements a number of projects and is working on planning for another number

The Department of Construction and Projects at the Southern Technical University implements a number of projects and is working on planning for another number The Department of Construction and Projects, under the direction of the President of the Southern Technical University, has implemented a number of projects, including building an expansion of the Finance and […]

A council in the presence of the President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi and the assistants, as well as the deans of colleges and institutes, the twelfth open session of this year was held

Al-Abbasi presented to the attendees his duties as Dean of the Technical Institute of Basra from a lower position, and expressed his observations regarding this experience, stressing the importance of investing the work and available resources to serve the formation, pointing to the need to strengthen all efforts to provide the best services for students […]

The President of the Southern Technical University discusses ways of joint cooperation with the President of Duhok Polytechnic University

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, discussed ways of joint cooperation with Prof. Dr. Ari Adel Abdul-Qader, President of Duhok Polytechnic University During the meeting, which was held in the presence of the presidents of Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University and the Middle Technical University, as well as the Northern […]

A higher diploma research at the Southern Technical University discusses the impact of project benefits management processes in achieving competitive advantage

A high diploma research at the Administrative Technical College of Basra within the Southern Technical University on the impact of project benefits management processes in achieving competitive advantage discussed an exploratory research for the opinions of a sample of workers in Iraq Sahel Company for contracting. The research presented by the student Mohammed Jasim Mohammed […]

The President of the Southern Technical University meets with Representative Zahra Al-Bachari, Chairman of the Transportation and Communications Committee of the Iraqi Parliament

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, met in his office the Chairman of the Transport and Communications Committee of the Iraqi Parliament, Eng. Zahra Al-Bachari. During the meeting, the role of the Technical University, with its formations located in the governorates of Basra, Maysan and Thi Qar, and the […]

Master’s thesis at Southern Technical University discussing fluid flow analysis in T-junction and comparing the numerical model with measured scientific results

Master’s thesis discussed at Southern Technical University  in  Postgraduate college  (fluid flow analysis in T-junction and comparison of numerical model with measured scientific results). The thesis submitted by the student (Marwa Salman Laibi) in the Master’s Program in Refractory Techniques Engineering dealt with a numerical and experimental study to investigate the fluid flow in T-shaped […]

The volunteer effort of the Southern Technical University implements a campaign of support and assistance for traffic men in Basra Governorate

The volunteer effort in the Nursing Department at the Technical Institute of Basra within the Southern Technical University implemented a campaign of support and assistance  for the heroes of the Ministry of Interior, the traffic men stationed in the streets of Basra Governorate. The head of the Nursing Department at the Technical Institute of Basra, […]

The Minister of Education directs his thanks and appreciation to the employees of the Ministry of Higher Education and its formations from public and private universities and colleges

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kadhim Abdul Sahab, directed his thanks and appreciation to the employees of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and all its formations, in appreciation of their efforts in embodying and completing the requirements of the 2021/2022 school year. It was stated in […]

The President of the Southern Technical University participates in the activities of the first international scientific conference on sustainable development techniques

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, with the heads of technical universities, the President of the University of Mosul, Nineveh and Al-Hamdaniya, in addition to the President of Telafer University participated The activities of the first international scientific conference on sustainable development techniques The conference, which was held under […]

The President of the Southern Technical University participates in the activities of the first international scientific conference on sustainable development techniques

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, with the heads of technical universities, the President of the University of Mosul, Nineveh and Al-Hamdaniya, in addition to the President of Telafer University participated The activities of the first international scientific conference on sustainable development techniques The conference, which was held under […]

High diploma research at the Southern Technical University discussed the impact of the replacement decision on the efficiency of operations performance in the industrial project

A higher diploma research at the College of Graduate Studies at the Southern Technical University discussed the impact of the replacement decision on the efficiency of operations performance in the industrial project. The research presented by the student Alaa Hassan Faraj and within the Higher Diploma Program in Projects Management with the study of the […]

The Technical Institute of Omarah within the Southern Technical University is discussing with oil companies the mechanism of appointing its first students

The Technical Institute of Omarah within the Southern Technical University,  searched with the oil companies operating in the Maysan Governorate, discussed the mechanism of appointing its top students. The Dean of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Saleh Abd Ali, met with representatives of the Jasmine Land Company operating in the CPECC field to employ foreign […]

Within framework of the joint cooperation between the Southern Technical University and the Directorate of Education of Basra Governorate.. Al Abbasi meets the director of the examinations department at there

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, met in his office the Director of the Examinations Department in the Directorate of Education in Basra Governorate, Mr. Abbas Mohammed Mahdi, and during the meeting, aspects of joint cooperation between the university and education regarding the performance of the final exams for […]

Continuing the reduce of wages of parallel education in the morning primary school by 50% for all levels

In commitment to its policy of providing a university environment that responds in a balanced response to scientific requirements and current changes, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the work of the following decisions for the next academic year 2022/2023 Continuing the reduce of wages of parallel education in the morning primary […]

The President of the Southern Technical University visits the Technical Institute of Basra, inspects the internal departments of students and reviews the progress of the final exams

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, visited the Technical Institute of Basra and inspected the students of internal departments and reviewed the progress of the final exams in their final stages. Al-Abbasi confirmed the importance of following up on what was previously directed about the maintenance of the internal […]

The Council of the Southern Technical University holds a session that included the formations of Basra Governorate and through the cyberspace of other formations

A session of the University Council was held at the Southern Technical University, which included the formations of Basra Governorate and through the cyberspace of other formations. The President of the University, Prof.Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, began the session with the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which were included the […]

The Southern Technical University organizes a workshop on the validity of the issuance of university degrees according to the instructions of the Cabinet Secretariat

نظم قسم شؤون الطلبة بالجامعة التقنية الجنوبية ورشة عمل عن صحة صدور الشهادات الجامعية وفق تعليمات أمانة مجلس الوزراء بحضور المخولين بالعمل على النظام في كليات ومعاهد الجامعة. وتضمنت الورشة التي حاضر فيها المبرمج وليد جلوب المالكي محاور منها ملخص عمل النظام الخاص بأرشفة وثائق التخرج والية إصدار رمز إستجابة سريع (باركود) لكل وثيقة تمنح […]

The President of the Southern Technical University congratulates the researchers from the university’s formations for increasing the university’s balance in the Niger Index

The President of the Southern Technical University congratulates the researchers from the university’s formations for increasing the university’s balance in the Niger Index, This came in a congratulation by Professor Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi to them (I am very pleased to congratulate you, dear researchers, from the formations of our dear university, on the occasion […]

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Administrative Affairs inspects the progress of exams at the Southern Technical University

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ali Hameed Kadhim Al Shukri, and the President of Basra University, Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen, visited the Southern Technical University and inspected the progress of the exams at  there. The President of the University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi […]

Announcing the launch of the job training initiative( internship) with companies in the public and private sectors for current university students exclusively

The Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Division  at the Southern Technical University was pleased ,and  under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and in cooperation with IREX  Organization. Announcing the launch of the job training initiative(internship)With companies in the public and private sectors for current students from the university exclusively. Admission […]

A delegation from the Directorate of Social Protection of the Popular Mobilization Authority in Basra reviews the Continuing Education Center at the Southern Technical University and praises its technical level

A delegation from the Directorate of Social Protection of the Popular Mobilization Authority in Basra reviewed the Continuing Education Center at the Southern Technical University and praised its technical level in terms of equipment and organization and the level of the halls available in it. This came during a visit by the delegation to the […]

Researchers from the Southern Technical University participate in an economic conference organized by the University of Al-Qadisiyah

The teaching staff in the Administrative Technical College – Basra, Prof. Dr. Hashem Nayef Hashem, the teacher in the Department of Business Administration Techniques, the instructor Hamed Shaker Mahmood in the Department of Accounting Techniques, and the instructor Hussam Abdul Amer al-Salman in the Department of Business Administration Techniques participated in the sixth scientific conference […]

The Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Division at the Southern Technical University implements a course in Microsoft Word Program skills

The Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Division at the Southern Technical University implemented a course in Microsoft word program skills,For graduate students and permanent in work, and the course in which the trainer Ali Gomaa taught, how to use this program according to the necessary need for it and for all applications. In addition to defining […]

A master’s thesis at the Southern Technical University discusses the impact of strategic decision approaches on operational performance, an exploratory study for a sample of managers in the health sector

A master’s thesis was discussed in the Technical Administrative College of Basra within the Southern Technical University on the impact of strategic decision approaches on the performance of operations, an exploratory study of a sample of managers in the health sector in the province of Maysan.The message presented by the student, Ali Hassan Ghaji, included […]

Higher diploma research at the Southern Technical University discusses the acceleration methodology and the elements of cost management on project management ( scrum and Kanban)

A higher diploma research at the Graduate studies of the Southern Technical University discussed the impact of the acceleration methodology and the elements of cost management on project management (scrum and kanban) The research presented by the student (Alaa Mohammad Abdullah) included a statement of the importance of the Ajyal methodology and its framework (scrum […]

The Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Division at the Southern Technical University announces the start of registration for the women tech program in cooperation with Zain Telecom

This program aims to empower female graduates and students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics majors and guide them in future career paths through intensive training lectures by experienced specialists at Zain and Ericsson company to provide the opportunity for future generations of girls and women to become leaders and changemakers in these fields.  Target […]

The Southern Technical University completes full preparation for the final exams for the students of the Technical Institute of Basra

The Southern Technical University has completed full preparation for the final exams for students of the Technical Institute in Basra, The preparation included a campaign organized by the Electronic Technology Department, such as repairing cooling and lighting equipments, as well as cleaning exam halls and other facilities. The head of the department, Dr. Haidar Al-Rudaini, […]

The volunteer work team at the Southern Technical University implements a cleaning and awareness campaign in the center of Basra Governorate

Under the direct guidance of the Presidency of the Southern Technical University and the Deanship of the Technical Institute of Basra, the volunteer work team carried out a cleaning and awareness campaign in the center of Basra Governorate and its sub-streets. The campaign included cleaning some streets and sub-alleys in them and reducing random littering, […]

An electronic workshop on the impact of viruses organized by the Southern Technical University

Shatrah Technical Institute within the Southern Technical University organized an electronic workshop on the impact of viruses on computer systems and internet networks. The workshop, in which Eng. Adel Hamdi Dhayef taught, aims to educate the participants about the danger of viruses that infect computers and the necessity of installing anti-viruses of the original year, […]

Southern Technical University organizes a scientific seminar on the water plant Azollaa

The Department of Tissue implant and Medicinal Plants Techniques at the Shatrah Technical College within the Southern Technical University organized a scientific seminar on the water plant azollaa. The episode in which the teacher Rabab Mutashar Naima  taught included under the title (Aquatic Azolla Plant, the Green Gold Mine), axes including the identification of the […]

The President of the University, during his meeting with the heads of departments at the Basra Technical Institute, stresses: The importance of full preparation for final exams

The President of the University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, met with the heads of departments at the Technical Institute of Basra, and during this meeting he stressed the importance of implementing projects and setting priorities for them to serve students and affiliates. Pointing out the need to work in the spirit of one team […]

Southern Technical University supervises on assessment exams in private colleges in Basra Governorate

In implementation of the ministerial order issued by the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The examination committee formed by the professors of the Southern Technical University supervised the final assessment exams / first round for the academic year 2021/2022 for private colleges in Basra Governorate. Where […]

Southern Technical University organizes a training course for the duties of employees in the State Employees Discipline Law

The Technical Administrative College of Basra within the Southern Technical University organized a training course for the duties of employees in the State Employees Discipline Law. The course in which Roqaya Adel Hamza studied included an explanation of the employee’s rights and duties, the pillars of the administrative decision and disciplinary penalties, in addition to […]

Southern Technical University organizes an awareness symposium on hemorrhagic fever and monkeypox

 The College of Graduate Studies at the Southern Technical University organized an awareness symposium on hemorrhagic fever and monkeypox. The symposium, in which Ahmed Hamed Dawood taught, included topics, including types of viral hemorrhagic fever, indications and symptoms, in addition to risk factors and complications of monkeypox disease.     The symposium aims to introduce these diseases […]

Master’s thesis at Southern Technical University discusses the study of oxidized LDL as a useful biological factor for patients with coronary artery disease and heart condition

A master’s thesis in the Graduate studies College of Southern Technical University discussed the study of oxidized LDL as a useful biofactor for identifying patients with coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction. The thesis submitted by the student, Yaqoob Nafawa Thakb, contained risk factors and alimentary system by enrolling 240 participants in the case study, […]

The President of the Southern Technical University visits Jaafar Al-Tayyar Center for Physical and Psychological Treatment and Rehabilitation of the Wounded

The Continuing Education Center  within the Southern Technical University, in cooperation with the Al-Mahatta institution , organized a camp for design thinking from ( the train) program. The camp, in which a number of university students participated, included a detailed explanation of the design thinking methodology and its stages, as well as working on the […]

The President of the Southern Technical University visits the Technical Institute of Omarah and inaugurates the new building of the Student Affairs Division and the Creativity Hall

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, inaugurated the newly constructed Creativity Hall and the Student Affairs Building. This came during Al-Abbasi’s visit to the Omarahl Technical Institute and his meeting with Prof. Dr. Mohammed Saleh Abd Ali, Dean of the Institute,    with his staff. Al-Abbasi expressed his gratitude […]

The President of the Southern Technical University visits the Technical Institute of Nasiriyah and opens an exhibition of students’ products

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi visited the Nasiriyah Technical Institute and opened an exhibition that included artistic and scientific works of students’ products. The visit, during which he was accompanied by the Dean of the Institute, Professor Dr. khawam  Raysan Hussein, included the technological, administrative and health departments. […]

Southern Technical University organizes a workshop on the LSTU Virtual University Library project

The Southern Technical University organized a workshop on the LSTU Virtual University Library project. The workshop, which was attended by the official of the Registration and Admission Division, Mr. Walid chaloob, included the types of libraries that keep pace with modern computer developments accompanying the information development based on the Internet and the characteristics of […]

The President of the Southern Technical University follows up the progress of the work in the classroom project at the Technical Administrative College of Basra

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, followed up on the progress of work and the stages of completion in the project of classrooms at the Administrative Technical College of Basra. This came during his visit to the college and his meeting with the Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Jaber Hussein […]

The President of the Southern Technical University attends the closing of the Futsal Championship for evening studies

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, attended the closing ceremony of the Futsal Football Championship for the evening study for this year at the Technical Institute of Basra Where the indoor sports hall witnessed a football match for the futsal between the team of the Department of Nursing Technologies […]

The President of the Southern Technical University inspects the progress of the quarterly exams for the students of the Technical Institute of Basra

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, inspected the progress of the quarterly exams for students of the administrative, technological and medical departments at the Technical Institute of Basra The President of the University was accompanied on this inspection visit by the Associate Dean of the Institute for Scientific Affairs, as […]

The Southern Technical University organizes a safety course in the Arabic language for the affiliates of the Southern Refineries Company

The Continuing Education Center within the Southern Technical University organized a course in the safety of the Arabic language for the official correspondence of the affiliates of the South Refineries Company. The course in which Dr. Bahjat Mahjer lectured, included the rules of administrative writing, number writing, the provisions of writing the Hamza and Alif […]

A symposium at the Southern Technical University discussed guarantees of human rights and freedoms

The seminar, in which the jurist Ali Karim Shajar lectured, included the real guarantees of freedoms and their actual existence in the Iraqi constitution, the principles and mechanisms for their application, as well as the organizations and bodies concerned with defending human rights. The symposium aims to introduce the independence of the judiciary, guarantee the […]
