Legal affairs department

Organizational Structure of the Sections of the Legal Affairs Department

About the department
The Legal Affairs Department was established based on the university order No. (7/3/841 on 8/2/2017) after being detached from the Administrative and Legal Affairs Department. The department now has independent responsibilities and functions, focusing on legal matters that serve the university and its staff. The Legal Affairs Department is considered one of the most vital departments in the university due to the nature of the tasks assigned to it. The department was founded along with the establishment of the Southern Technical University.

The administrative structure of this department consists of the Legal Affairs Director, to whom a number of divisions and units are affiliated, including (the Litigation and Rights Division, the Guarantees and Contracts Division, the Legal Consultations Division, the Property and University Housing Division, and the Notary Unit). Legal work requires independence, with no influences that could affect the legal opinion. Legal opinions are provided on matters with differing views, in accordance with existing laws and regulations, in addition to other tasks within its jurisdiction, such as filing lawsuits, announcing tenders for university sites, and forming investigative and auditing committees to resolve issues based on the formation of those committees.
Department Division
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