Online queries

e-Inquiries/Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Service Information

Name of the service
  • electronic inquiries / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

  • Service category .

  • Electronic inquiries.
Service provider
  • Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Researc .

Service classification

  • Procedural.
Service description
  •  An e-service dedicated to receiving inquiries, following up on requests for citizens and employees, and requesting an interview with officials at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Steps to apply for the service

  • Log in or create an account in the AUR portal by clickingاGo to Service button and for more details see the FAQs and explanatory video by clicking here.
  • Enter the required information correctly and make sure all documents are uploaded and click on the save button.
  • Receive a text message indicating the completion of the registration, with a link to follow the stages of processing the application and its status
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    Click on the Download Form button, you will receive a document containing the application number and QR-code, you can print this document or save it to your phone and use it to follow up on the status of the application.

  • A text message will be sent to your phone informing you of the processing and status of your application.

Documents required to complete the service

  • National ID or Civil Status ID
  • Application priorities.

  • It is possible to upload another attachment related to the request or complaint (optional) 

Requirements to apply for the service

  • Create an account within the Aur e-Government portal.