Academic Calendar

 Academic Calendar 2024-2025

 15 weeks19/12/2024 -10/09/2024TuesdayStart and end of the first semester
 2 weeks2/1/2025 – 22/12/2024SundayMidterm exams for colleges and institutes following the annual system
 2 weeks18/1/2025 – 5/1/2025SundayStart and end of the spring break
 15 weeks1/5/2025 – 19/1/2025SundayStart and end of the second semester
Flexibility allowed for universities if overlapping with high school exams/ 21/06/2025SaturdayStart of the second-round exams
 2 months31/8/2025 – 1/7/2025TuesdayStart and end of the summer vacation
 /31/8/2025 – 1/7/2025TuesdaySummer training for students in colleges and institutes, according to the duration specified in the summer training guidelines
 8weeks1/7/2025TuesdayStart and end of the (optional) summer semester for universities and colleges following the credit-based system
  • The Academic Departments Council has the right to recommend submitting and delaying exam dates, wherever they may be, for a period of one week, with the approval of the 
  • Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are observed if they fall on exam days, and during Saturday work hours if the need arisesCollege/Institute Council.
  • Student registration for courses shall take place within ten (10) working days before the start of the semester under the course system

Details of academic year dates for the first stage only

Determined DurationHistoryTodayDetails of academic year dates
NotesStart and end date
14 weeks, including exams, and the remaining period is compensated for by taking Saturdays offStarts on Sunday 11/12/2023 and ends on Thursday 2/15/202415 weeks12/21/2023 -09/17/2023SundayThe start and end dates of the first semester
Make-up week
Two weeks1/1/2024 – 12/31/2023Sunday

Start and end times:

–       Semi-annual exams for colleges and institutes that follow the annual system

–       Final exams for the first semester for colleges and institutes that follow the semester system and courses

One weekStarts on
Saturday 2/17/2024 and ends on Saturday 2/24/2024
Two weeks1/25/2024 – 1/14/2024SundaySpring break start and end dates
14 weeks, including exams, and the remaining period is compensated for by taking Saturdays offStarts on Sunday, 2/25/2024 and ends on Thursday, 5/30/202415 weeks5/9/2024 – 1/28/2024SundayThe start and end dates of the second semester
Make-up week

Start and end times:

–       Final exams for the first round for colleges and institutes that follow the annual system.

–       Final exams for the second semester for colleges and institutes that follow the semester system and courses.

   06/16/2024Leave the flexibility to start
For universities if it interferes with the exams of middle school students
  06/16/2024SundaySecond round exams
2 months8/31/2023 – 7/1/20232 months8/31/2023 – 7/1/2023MondaySummer vacation start and end dates
2 months8/31/2024 – 7/1/20242 months8/31/2024 – 7/1/2024SundaySummer training dates for students of colleges and institutes included in it, according to the periods approved in the instructions for summer training
Two months8/31/2023 – 7/1/20232 months8/31/2024 – 7/01/2024SundayThe start and end dates of the summer semester (optional) for universities and colleges that follow the curriculum system


  • The Academic Departments Council has the right to recommend submitting and delaying exam dates, wherever they may be, for a period of one week, with the approval of the College/Institute Council.
  • Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are observed if they fall on exam days, and during Saturday work hours if the need arises.

 Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Details of academic year dates for the first stage only

Determined DurationHistoryTodayDetails of academic year dates
NotesStart and end date
15 weeks, including exams, and the remaining period is compensated for by taking Saturdays offStarts on Sunday 11/27/2022 and ends on Saturday 3/11/202315 weeks02/10/2022 -12/1/2023SundayThe start and end dates of the first semester
Make-up week
Two weeks22/1/2023 – 04/2/2023Sunday

Start and end times:

–       Semi-annual exams for colleges and institutes that follow the annual system

–       Final exams for the first semester for colleges and institutes that follow the semester system and courses

One weekStarts on Sunday 3/12/2023 and ends on Saturday 3/18/2023Two weeks02/05/2023 – 2/18/2023SundaySpring break start and end dates
15 weeks, including exams, and the remaining period is compensated for by taking Saturdays offStarts on Sunday 3/19/2023 and ends on Saturday 7/1/202315 weeks2/19/2023 – 06/01/2023SundayThe start and end dates of the second semester
Make-up week

Start and end times:

–       Final exams for the first round for colleges and institutes that follow the annual system.

–       Final exams for the second semester for colleges and institutes that follow the semester system and courses.

2 months02/7/2023 – 31/8/20232 months02/7/2023 – 31/8/2023SundaySummer vacation start and end dates
//2 months02/7/2023 – 31/8/2023SundaySummer training dates for students of colleges and institutes included in it, according to the periods approved in the instructions for summer training
 02/7/2023 – 31/8/20232 months02/7/2023 – 31/8/2023SundayThe start and end dates of the summer semester (optional) for universities and colleges that follow the curriculum system
Two weeks3/9/2023 – 17/9/2023Two weeks3/9/2023 – 17/9/2023SundaySecond round exams


  • The Academic Departments Council has the right to recommend submitting and delaying exam dates, wherever they may be, for a period of one week, with the approval of the College/Institute Council.
  • Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are observed if they fall on exam days, and during Saturday work hours if the need arises.

 Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Academic year dates detailsThe daysDatefixed durationDetails of the academic year dates for the first stage only
Start and end dateNote
First semesterMonday11/10/2021 -29/1/202215 weeksIt starts on Sunday 19/12/2021 and ends on Saturday 3/26/2022

14 weeks, including exams, and the remaining period is compensated through the Saturday holiday

One week

– Semi-annual exams for colleges and institutes that follow the annual systemSunday30/1/2022 – 12/2/2022two weeks
– Final exams for the first semester of colleges and institutes that follow the semester systemSunday13/2/2022 – 26/2/2022two weeksIt starts on Sunday 27/3/2022 and ends on Saturday 2/4/202213 weeks, including exams, and the remaining period is compensated through Saturdays
spring HolidaySunday27/2/2022 –  11/6/202215 weeks

It starts on Sunday 3/4/2022 and ends on Saturday 2/7/2022


14 weeks, including exams, and the remaining period is compensated through the Saturday holiday
Second SemesterSunday12/6/2022- 2/7/2022three weeks
– Final exams for the first round of colleges and institutes that follow the annual systemSunday3/7/2022 – 1/9/2022two months
– Final exams for the second semester of colleges and institutes that follow the semester systemSunday3/7/2022 – 1/9/2022two months//
– Semi-annual exams for colleges and institutes that follow the annual systemSaturday3/9/2022 – 17/9/2022two weeks

 Academic Calendar 2020-2021


Academic Year Details

Starting Date

Ending Date


First Semester





15 Weeks

First Semester Exam / Mid-Year Exam





2 Weeks

Spring Holiday





1 Week

Second Semester





15 Weeks

Second Semester Exam / Final Exam – First Attempt





2 Weeks

Summer Holiday / Summer Training





1 Month

Final Exam – Second Attempt





2 Weeks

 Academic Calendar 2020-2021

Semester / Exam

Starting Date

Ending Date


First Semester 




First Semester Exam / Mid-Year Exam




Spring Holiday




Second Semester


Second Semester Exam / Final Exam – First Attempt


Summer Holiday / Summer Training


Final Exam – Second Attempt
