الانشطة و الفعاليات


A workshop entitled “The Internet in the Service of Combating Drugs”: A Digital Revolution for a Secure Future was held at the Computer Center at the Southern Technical University, which addressed the most prominent risks posed by drugs to individuals and societies, and the importance of the Internet in combating this scourge. During the workshop,...
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Under the patronage of the President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdullah Atiq, the Computer Center held a workshop entitled “Psychological Counseling and Electronic Awareness” presented by Assistant Lecturer Hassan Hamoud Hilal. The workshop aimed to enhance the individual’s mental health and achieve the necessary awareness to reduce psychological challenges. And the...
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The Computer Center at the Southern Technical University organized a distinguished training course in the basics of SPSS, which aims to teach learners how to use the SPSS statistical program, advanced statistical analysis. The course was presented by lecturer Zainab Samir, who focused on how to deal with data, and conduct analyses.In addition to how...
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As part of the ongoing initiatives to develop the green environment at the university and under the supervision and attendance of the Dean of the Technical Administrative College / Basra, Assistant Professor Dr. Jaber Hussein Ali, today, Monday 4/11/2024, the second-stage students of the Accounting Technology Department held a tree planting campaign for the front...
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The Computer Center at the Southern Technical University organized a distinguished training course in design. The course targeted learners who wish to develop CorelDRAW graphics using the program and develop their skills in designing professional graphic works. The course was presented under the supervision of Mr. Hossam Falah, who guided the participants through a set...
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Basra Technical Administrative College held a workshop on Wednesday 10/30/2024 on how to use the digital Bologna Path application.The workshop was presented by Dr. Haider Yaqoub Yousif, Director of the Electronic Computer Center at the Southern Technical University.During the workshop, an explanation was given on how to create student affairs accounts, department heads, lecturers and...
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The Electronic Computer Center organized a specialized course in Microsoft Office programs Word,excel,powerpoint , outlook,access. The course was presented by lecturer Zainab Samir, and focused on the experimental professional qualification of participants by learning basic and advanced skills in these programs, which are vital tools in work and educational environments. Learners were also trained to...
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The Southern Technical University participated in the inputs of the Tawasul Project funded by the Canadian University Service Organization within the coordination projects with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, other than a series of workshops and discussions that extended for six days in Erbil Governorate, as it was chosen as a model...
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The first workshop, which was held on Wednesday 3/4/2024, aimed to reduce the effort and time in writing the “related research” part using ethical artificial intelligence, while the second workshop, which was held on Thursday 4/4/2024, discussed how to typeset the scientific research, ways to formulate the title of the research, parts of the summary...
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The formations of the Southern Technical University continued to hold Ramadan gatherings, cultural seminars, and Quranic recitation sessions during the month of goodness and giving. The Technical Institute in Al-Shatrah organized a Ramadan religious competition for its members, as part of the third day’s agenda of the Holy Quran Week activities hosted by the institute...
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The College of Health and Medical Technologies within the Southern Technical University organized a training course on measuring vitamin D using the  ELFA  technology (enzyme linked fluorescent assay), which was held by the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies in cooperation with the Scientific Division and the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit in the college for five...
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Environment Week activities were launched at the Engineering Technical College in Basra within the Southern Technical University. The volunteer work team at the college established an educational campaign aimed at preserving the environment and combating emissions and climate change through education on protecting biological diversity and preserving living organisms and diverse and balanced ecosystems.In addition...
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The President of the Southern Technical University, Professor Dr. Adnan Abdullah Ateeq, made an inspection tour of the scientific departments of the Basra Technical Institute. He was accompanied on the tour by the Dean of the Technical Institute, A. M. Dr.. Arkan Yaqoub Youssef, President of the University, reviewed the level of services provided to...
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The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdullah Atiq, inaugurated the grand ceremonial arena at the Technical Institute of Amara, amid a remarkable governmental and local presence, where the opening ceremony was attended by a member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, MP Karim Aliwi Jahosh, the President of the University of...
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The Women’s Empowerment Unit at the Qurna Technical Institute within the Southern Technical University organized a workshop on rationalizing water and energy and preserving cleanliness and the environment within the annual plan, with the participation of a number of the Institute’s employees. The symposium aims to shed light on the importance of rationalizing water consumption...
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The Southern Technical University, within the formations of Basra Governorate, launched the largest cleaning and rehabilitation campaign for its squares, streets, and residential homes for members. The President of the University, Professor Dr. Adnan Abdullah Ateeq, met with officials and cadres.Before launching the campaign, he praised the positive energies they possess, stressing that the work...
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Within the Global Entrepreneurship Week, the President of the University, Professor Dr. Rabiee Hashem Al-Abbasi, opened an agricultural nursery implemented by one of the investors in the middle of Al-Abbasi University. During the opening ceremony, he stated that the university environment has a great and important priority in the university’s projects and is a necessary...
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The Shatra technical institute, within the Southern Technical University, organized a training course for the Institute’s employees on Sustainable Development, where the course in which assistant teacher Sattar Awad dhamid lectured included the definition of sustainable development, what are its goals, what are its fields, in addition to its benefits at the community and individual...
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  In light of the University’s vision and philosophy of its technical form at the Technical University of the South commission to study the creation of the college within the disciplines of technical arts, applied arts, architecture and designs and tourism, ordinances, and in this council, the commission, in addition to the vice president for...
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بحثت رسالة ماجستير بالكلية التقنية الصحية والطبية ضمن الجامعة التقنية الجنوبية، معرفة وتطبيق المعايير الوقائية من قبل الممرضين في مستشفيات محافظة بابل، وتهدف الرسالة التي تقدم بها الطالب مصطفى علي حسن الى تحديد مستويات المعرفة والتطبيق للمعايير الوقائية عند الممرضين وتحديد العلاقة بين هذه المستويات والخصائص الديموغرافية لعينة المشاركين قيد الدراسة فضلا عن معرفة إذا...
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The Technical College of Engineering, Basra, within the Southern Technical University, held a workshop on the phenomenon of homosexuality in contemporary reality from a religious, social, and legal perspective. The workshop aims to combat deviant ideas and phenomena and the position of religions on them and the mechanism for treating them. The Dean of the...
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The Department of Electronic Technologies at the Basra Technical Institute within the Southern Technical University has begun feeding its scientific laboratories and classrooms with clean energy, and the work team shared with us that the Department of Electronic Technologies is the first department to use such a source of clean energy with an amount of...
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The Southern Technical University conducted the experimental evaluation exam for fourth-stage students at the College of Health and medical technology in Basra, and the director of the electronic computing center, Dr. Haider Yaqoub Yousif, indicated to inform us that, in implementation of the directives of the Ministry of higher education and scientific research and in...
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The Administrative Technical College within the Southern Technical University, in cooperation with the Peace Paths Organization, organized a workshop on the climate impacts of the climate crisis.  The workshop, in which Mr. Ammar Thabet Zakry, the director of the organization’s office in Erbil, was titled Climate Impacts and Methods of Confrontation and Adaptation. The challenges...
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The Engineering Technical College of Maysan within the Southern Technical University organized a workshop entitled The government program and the application of the Bologna track. The workshop, which was attended by the teacher Hussein Sadiq Latif, included the proposed plan for the implementation of the government program in general and the Bologna track system in...
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The official of the women’s empowerment division at the Southern Technical University participated in the central celebration of women’s day, which was held by the local government of Basra governorate, where it was organized under the slogan – Iraqi women are partners in sustainable development-and the official of the division headed by the University, Dr....
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The continuing education center within the Southern Technical University carried out a technical workshop on centrifugal pumps and compressors, which included students, graduates and employees. The workshop, in which the lecturer Abdul Razzaq Isa Saeed lectured, included lectures on the introduction of the types of compressors and centrifugal pumps, in addition to the most important...
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The Center for continuing education within the Southern Technical University organized a CV writing course for graduate and full-time students. The course included topics such as how to write a resume in English, the mechanism of applying for a job opportunity through e-mail, optimal preparation for job interviews, as well as enabling trainees to create...
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The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the Nasiriyah Technical Institute within the Southern Technical University held a workshop on combating corruption and its role in building society in terms of financial and administrative integrity. The workshop, in which the Assistant Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Institute, Dr. Ali Khalaf Katee,...
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The sixth session of the academic year 2022/2023 was held in the Southern Technical University, in the presence of the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Rabee Hashem Al-Abbasi and the assistants, as well as members of the University Council. Al-Abbasi started the meeting with a set of directives related to administrative work and the...
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The College of Health and Medical Technology within the Southern Technical University organized a course on the impact of plastic on human health. The course, which was taught by the teacher, Maha Abdul-Redha, aims to identify the plastic material and its types, and to know the impact of plastic on human health and the environment,...
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Within its annual scientific curriculum, the Technical College of Maysan, within the Southern Technical University, organized a workshop on electrical stations and power electronics. The workshop, in which specialized teachers lectured, included topics on electrical stations, control and electronic components. The workshop, in which the students of the fourth stage participated, aims to enhance the...
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The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabee Hashem Al-Abbasi, inaugurated the building of the Information Technology Department in the Administrative Technical College, Basra, which included educational laboratories for computers equipped with the latest educational equipment, as well as rooms for associates. Al-Abbasi stated in an interview with one of the media agencies...
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In the presence of the University President, Prof. Dr. Rabee Hashem Al-Abbasi, and the members of the Council, the work of the fifth session for the academic year 2022-2023 was held in the Southern Technical University. At the beginning of the session, Al-Abbasi directed the importance of cooperation between the formations and joint work in...
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The Southern Technical University organized a memorial vigil for the souls of the martyrs of Iraq, and the vigil, which was attended by the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Rabee Hashim Al-Abbasi, as well as the assistants, department directors and associates in the university presidency, included the reading of Surat Al-Fatihah on the souls...
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Under the direct guidance of the President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabee Hashem Al-Abbasi, the building of the Student Affairs Division at the Technical Institute in Basra was reopened after it was rehabilitated according to modern technical specifications. Al-Abbasi, upon inaugurating the building, stressed the university’s endeavor to implement important urban projects...
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The College of Health and Medical Technologies, Basra, within the Southern Technical University, held its first annual scientific exhibition for the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, where the exhibition was inaugurated by the President of the University, Prof. Dr.Rabee Hashem Al- abbasi , In the presence of a number of deans of university formations, professors...
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The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the Technical Institute of Nasiriyah within the Southern Technical University organized a workshop in which it discussed how to mitigate psychological and societal crises and their repercussions on the levels of university students.  The workshop, in which the teacher Alia Musa Ali lectured, aimed at the quality...
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The Department of Student Activities at the Southern Technical University, through the official of the Student Activities Division at the Nasiriyah Technical Institute, the scout leader Ali Zughair Thajeel, participated in the preparation course for mobile officials and the guide official, which was held in Babil Governorate from 18 to 12/22/2022 with the participation of...
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The Nasiriyah Technical Institute within the Southern Technical University organized a training course for employees of the Thi Qar Governorate Police Command in staff development and human development The course, in which professors from the institute taught, included lectures on the concept of the official book, administrative order, and written requests. As well as editing...
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The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, discussed ways of joint cooperation with Prof. Dr. Ari Adel Abdul-Qader, President of Duhok Polytechnic University During the meeting, which was held in the presence of the presidents of Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University and the Middle Technical University, as well as the Northern...
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The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, with the heads of technical universities, the President of the University of Mosul, Nineveh and Al-Hamdaniya, in addition to the President of Telafer University participated The activities of the first international scientific conference on sustainable development techniquesThe conference, which was held under the...
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The british rankings results appeared  EDUCATION HIGHER TIMES IMPACT  The Southern Technical University achieves the standards goals  of the United Nations  for sustainable development for the year 2022, as the university entered the level of the region + 1001 among 1406 international universities that were classified for more than 85 countries. The central international rankings...
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Forty-seven Iraqi universities and colleges registered competitive positions in the Times classification for sustainable development for the year 2022, which included 1406 institutions from 106 countries around the world, including the Southern Technical University.The published official results indicated an increase in the number of Iraqi universities and colleges that reserved its positions in the Times...
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