

Researchers from Southern Technical University presented a study on financial solutions to protect the environment and improve Environmental pollution to the Department of Environmental Protection and Improvement in the Southern Region. The study presented by the Director of the Administrative and Financial Affairs Department, Mr. Ayman Rahim Abdul-Aali, and the teacher, Ruqaya Adel Hamza, in...
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The President of the Southern Technical University, Professor Dr. Rabiee Hashem Al-Abbasi, followed the progress of the final exams, within the electronic computer center and some study halls,Stressing the importance of working between the examination committees and the deanship of formations to overcome all difficulties and the way to success, these important and detailed matters,...
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The Southern Technical University held its thirteenth session for this year, in the presence of the President of the University and the assistants, as well as the deans of colleges and institutes. The meeting discussed the special directive from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which emphasized strengthening the reputation of scientific universities...
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The ceremonies included reciting verses from the wise Quran and Surat Al-Fatihah in sympathy for the souls of the martyrs of Iraq, to ​​be played after that, the Iraqi national anthem. The representative of the Husseiniya Holy Shrine, Haj Fadhel awz, stated in his speech that raising the banner of Hussein in this blessed scientific...
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A research team from the Technical Institute of Basra within the Southern Technical University obtained a qualitative patent. The research team consisted of the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies, Prof. Dr. Firas Jamil Jabbar, the Head of the Nursing Techniques Department, Ali Faisal Al-Saad, and Nada Jamil Dawood, with another research team from...
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The Engineering Technical College in Maysan, within the Southern Technical University, organized a course for the design and implementation of control circuits using the antenna. The course in which Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Thamer Radhi taught included lectures on the design and implementation of control circuits and the foundations and principles by which these circuits...
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An extensive meeting was held in the Southern Technical University to implement the Bologna track, the meeting which was attended by the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, and managed by the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Alaa Farid Abdul-Ahad, members of the Quality Council as well...
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The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Alaa Farid Abdul Ahad, participated in the electronic workshop held by the Department of Studies, Planning and Follow-up in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for scientific assistants in all public universities. The workshop included proposals for controls on the transfer and...
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The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabie Hashem Al-Abbasi, inaugurated the expansion building of the Department of Finance and Administration, In the Presidency of the university . The building, which included special rooms for administration and finance, was implemented by the Department of Construction and Projects at the Presidency of the University,...
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The Engineering Division of the Technical College of Engineering in Basra within the Southern Technical University has started the implementation of pouring the foundations of the shed of the plastic waste recycling project with the administrative wing funded by the World Bank within the Ministry’s projects for competitive financing that the college won. The project,...
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The Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mahmood Salem Thamer, and the Director of the Office of the President of the University attended the activities of the Women’s Media Division at the  Holy Hussainiya Shrine for female students in Iraqi universities. The celebration , which was attended by the representative of...
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The Engineering Technical College – Basra discussed a master’s thesis on deep learning techniques to detect faults in high voltage transmission lines by relying on drones (for graduate student Saja Raad Abdul Bari in the Electrical Power Engineering Department, in the presence of the Dean of the College, Prof.Dr. Adnan Abdullah Ateeq. The study concluded...
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A master’s thesis was discussed at the Graduate Studies of the Southern Technical University, about a remote e-health system through a lightweight and secure for e-health protocol based on the Internet of Things. The thesis submitted by the student (Saja Ali Hussein) in the Master Program of Electrical Engineering Technologies included studying the electronic health...
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The Center for Continuing Education and the Computer Center within the Southern Technical University implemented courses in computer applications, occupational safety and the English language for the wounded and families of martyrs in cooperation with the Jaafar Al-Tayyar Center for the Rehabilitation of the Wounded in Basra Governorate. The courses included training and practical lectures...
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The students of the College of Health and Medical Technologies within the Southern Technical University started their summer training in the health institutions of the geographical area  they included by its. Where the Al-Toba and Al-Nakhila Center of the Al-Hartha Health Sector received the university students and participated in lectures organized by the official of...
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The Department of Construction and Projects at the Southern Technical University implements a number of projects and is working on planning for another number The Department of Construction and Projects, under the direction of the President of the Southern Technical University, has implemented a number of projects, including building an expansion of the Finance and...
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Al-Abbasi presented to the attendees his duties as Dean of the Technical Institute of Basra from a lower position, and expressed his observations regarding this experience, stressing the importance of investing the work and available resources to serve the formation, pointing to the need to strengthen all efforts to provide the best services for students...
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Master’s thesis discussed at Southern Technical University  in  Postgraduate college  (fluid flow analysis in T-junction and comparison of numerical model with measured scientific results). The thesis submitted by the student (Marwa Salman Laibi) in the Master’s Program in Refractory Techniques Engineering dealt with a numerical and experimental study to investigate the fluid flow in T-shaped...
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The british rankings results appeared  EDUCATION HIGHER TIMES IMPACT  The Southern Technical University achieves the standards goals  of the United Nations  for sustainable development for the year 2022, as the university entered the level of the region + 1001 among 1406 international universities that were classified for more than 85 countries. The central international rankings...
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The College of Health and Medical Technologies within the Southern Technical University organized a workshop on biofuels as the most important source of renewable energy, in Ibn Sina Hall. The workshop, in which the lecturer in the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, Dr. Shorouk Abdul Razzaq Hassan, included an introduction to biofuels as a type...
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A master’s thesis was discussed in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Southern Technical University on scientific technology and its impact on sustainable competitive advantages through the mediating role of interactive design.(process technology and its impact on sustainable competitive advantages through mediating role of interaction design ).The thesis submitted by the student Aqila Reyadh...
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The Continuing Education Center within the Southern Technical University organized the basic workshop for the Intilaq competition on the idea of ​​entrepreneurship and its importance in supporting and growing the economy. The workshop, sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the German Agency for Cultural Cooperation GIZ, included introducing the importance...
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The Department of Construction and Projects within the Southern Technical University organized a workshop on the latest developments regarding the instructions and controls for implementing projects according to the mechanisms approved by the Ministry of Planning for the officials of Divisions in the university formations. The workshop, which was organized under the slogan (basic requirements...
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The Iraqi Youth Team Against Misinformation and Misleading Information, in cooperation with the Student Activities Department at the Southern Technical University and with the support of the Mercy Korek International Organization, organized an awareness workshop on the dangers and causes of environmental pollution.The workshop, in which Professor Dr. Mahmoud Salem Thamer lectured, included topics including...
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Agenda of the sixth session of the Southern Technical University Council for the academic year 2021-2022Monday 24/1/2022At  9  a.m.Continuing Education HallThe practice of the President of the University in the Technical Institute and the Engineering Technical College in Al-Amarah – the Technical Institute and the Technical College in Shatrah – and the Technical Administrative College...
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The research team led by Prof. Dr. Salam Hussein Al-Hilali, the dean of Shatrah Technical College within the southern technical university , Prof. Dr. Salwan Ali Al-Hamzaoui, the dean of the College of Science at the University of Kufa, and prof. Dr. Nadhir Al-Ansari from Lulea University in Sweden, and Engineer Riyadh Mudhhar Saleh from...
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The Southern Technical University Council held its fifteenth session this year in the direct presence of all its members, and the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Rabih Hashem Al-Abbasi, welcomed the attendees, after which the university’s entrance committee for international classifications was discussed and the Council listened to them reviewing the latest achievements in...
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Years of giving and distinction … Southern Technical University extinguishes its sixth candle Mr. President of the University: The university encouraged researchers in the belief that there is no distinguished university without distinguished research professors. The report was prepared / Department of Media and Relations – University Presidency We have the right to be proud...
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International and local news agencies published the proceedings of the fifth scientific conference of the Southern Technical University on advanced engineering techniques, which was hosted this year by the Technical College of Engineering, Basra. Those agencies quoted paragraphs from the speech of the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Rabih Hashem Chijail, in which he...
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University President: He confirms that the university will always have its doors open for the exchange of experiences and skills. The Southern Technical University concluded the activities of the Fifth International Scientific Conference for Advanced Engineering Technologies at the Technical College of Engineering in Basra under the slogan (Multiple Success and Continuous Tender) with international...
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