Southern Technical University is a model for successful partnerships in the Tawasul project

The Southern Technical University participated in the inputs of the Tawasul Project funded by the Canadian University Service Organization within the coordination projects with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, other than a series of workshops and discussions that extended for six days in Erbil Governorate, as it was chosen as a model for the success of partnerships with the working party to be viewed by the private sector, which included many companies in the governorates of Basra, Baghdad and Mosul

Director of the Continuing Education Center, Dr. Maher Talib Abdul Zahra, reviewed several activities that focused on training students and graduates and the field of work, in addition to presenting the opportunities available at the Southern Technical University. In several fields that fall within the university’s vision to achieve real partnerships that develop the private sector and develop skills to prepare a workforce with skills that are consistent with the aspirations of the labor market. It is noteworthy that the university president, Professor Dr. Adnan Abdullah Ateeq, was in full contact in order to determine the paths of openness to the labor market.
