The directors of the Departments of Cultural Activities and Media at the Southern Technical University visit the Journalists Syndicate in Basra

Mr. Ali Mahmoud Abdul Kareem, Director of the Cultural Activities Department, and Mr. ayad Hussein Amer, Director of the Media and Government Communication Department at the Southern Technical University, visited the Basra branch of the Journalists Syndicate. They met with the branch manager, Mr. Sadiq Al-Ali, who welcomed them and expressed his pleasure and admiration for the achievements of the Southern Technical University and the high-quality cultural activities being conducted there under the guidance and patronage of the university president, Professor Dr. Adnan Abdullah Atiq.


Mr. Sadiq Al-Ali praised the efforts and work of the university president both within and outside the university, expressing his readiness to undertake joint media and cultural activities between the Southern Technical University and the Basra branch of the Journalists Syndicate. The visitors conveyed the greetings of the university president to the head of the Basra Journalists Syndicate and all Basra journalists, along with his wishes for continued progress and contributions from the Basra journalism community to the development of the beloved city of Basra and Iraq.
