Southern Technical University is carrying out a massive afforestation campaign on (National Afforestation Day) and a ministerial team is following up on the campaign

Under the patronage and presence of the President of Southern Technical University

Professor Dr. Adnan Abdullah Ateeq

The presence and participation of the deans and in implementation of the directives of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers

All university formations carried out:


 Thi Qar.


With an extensive afforestation campaign, various types of seedlings are planted in gardens and courtyards, with the participation of the deanships of the formations and student volunteer teams in them, amid a lively and energetic atmosphere.

The President of the University, during his tour between the afforestation campaigns, praised the efforts of the Basra Engineering Technical College, which contains an agricultural nursery that provides the college and the rest of the university’s formations with agricultural seedlings. He also praised the efforts of the Basra Administrative Technical College, which plans to establish a reserve in the college, praising the ongoing efforts of the Shatrah Technical Institute to carry out the afforestation campaign.

Professor Dr. Adnan Abdullah Ateeq expressed his gratitude to the team at the College of Health and Medical Technologies in Basra for their diligent work in creating a suitable university environment. The Southern Technical University Presidency places significant emphasis on the university environment and the expansion of green spaces. The University President had earlier instructed the utilization of available spaces within the university campus, transforming them into green gardens.

All the deans were at the head of the tree planting campaigns in the formations, and they accompanied the President of the University on his tours within the formations.

The volunteer work team at the Basra Engineering Technical College planted more than 500 seedlings on the occasion of National Plantation Day. The planting campaign included a number of the college’s internal and external gardens, noting that the campaign’s seedlings were provided from the college’s nursery, as the Basra Engineering Technical College contains a large nursery that was established since Duration within the college, and the seedlings were selected according to the soil specifications and their ability to face climate change and combat environmental pollution.

The Nasiriyah Technical Institute planted agricultural seedlings to preserve the healthy and university environment in a large campaign within the activities of National Planting Day. The planting campaign included the institute’s entrance gardens and the rest of the gardens in it in order to achieve the goals of the sustainable environment in providing an ideal university environment.

For two days in a row, the Shatrah Technical Institute also witnessed a massive afforestation campaign as part of the National Tree Planting Day activities, as a number of palm cuttings of good types and a number of acacia flower trees and seedlings were planted in the institute’s gardens and courtyards.

The College of Health and Medical Technologies, coinciding with National Tree Planting Day, carried out a campaign to plant trees and seedlings in the corridors and courtyards of the college. The college students contributed to providing these seedlings and participated in the process of planting them in the college gardens.

As part of the activities of this occasion, the Basra Administrative Technical College organized a large afforestation campaign that included a new garden for the college and an internal garden of shade plants. The Dean indicated that it is the college’s intention to create a natural reserve in the college.

The President of the University received in his office a ministerial delegation from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research concerned with following up on the afforestation campaigns carried out by Iraqi universities in implementation of the directives of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. The delegation accompanied the President of the University during his tour of the afforestation campaigns in the university formations.
