Assistant Dean of Shatrah Technical College participates in the scientific conference held by UNESCO

Prof. Dr. shared Mohammad Saeed Harran, Assistant Dean of the Shatrah Technical College, representing the Southern Technical University at the scientific conference held by UNESCO in cooperation with the European Union in Baghdad for the period from 20-21/5/2024, entitled (The Role of Quality Assurance in Promoting Vocational and Technical Education)

The conference focused on reforming technical and vocational education and training in order to enhance employment opportunities for Iraqi youth. UNESCO organized training courses for vocational education cadres in the federal government and the Kurdistan region for a period of 3 years and at two levels: 1 TVET and 2 TVET, with the aim of developing the capabilities of workers in evaluating performance and quality in schools Vocational education and technical universities, which reflected positively on the improvement of performance evaluation in those institutions.
