Signing a twinning and scientific cooperation agreement between the College of Health and Medical Technologies and the Basra College of Science and Technology


Within the framework of the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding conducting and activating scientific twinning between public and private universities and seeking to develop a road map that contributes to enhancing the reality of higher education and scientific research in educational institutions and improving it in quantity and quality, as the Deanship of the College of Health and Medical Technologies seeks to conclude many agreements with Educational institutions, where Professor Dr. Majid Abdul Wahab Maatouq, Dean of the College of Health and Medical Technologies, visited the Basra College of Science

And technology. During the visit, a twinning and joint scientific cooperation agreement was signed

The two colleges, where the agreement was signed by the College of Health and Medical Technologies, Mr. Dean of the College, and by

Basra College of Science and Technology Mr. Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs Assistant Professor Dr

Ali Hussein Abd, as the agreement aims to enhance scientific and cultural cooperation and build strong ties between them

The agreement included a set of important items and paragraphs, most notably the exchange of scientific expertise between teaching staff, as well as the promotion of student cultural and scientific activities and events, as well as the development of joint programs and the establishment of workshops, seminars and scientific conferences that contribute to the development of ideas and the support and development of scientific innovations, in addition to the development of the educational process. For students between the two colleges
