The Continuing Education Center within the Southern Technical University organizes a course in measuring devices and control systems

As part of its program for the activities of the Industrial Advisory Council, the Continuing Education Center at the Southern Technical University organized a course on measuring devices and control systems. The course, which was lectured by one of the cadres of the General Company for Electric Power Production, Engineer Moataz Ghadban Naama, included topics such as identifying temperature, pressure, level and level measuring devices and identifying flow measuring devices, as well as identifying valves, classical control systems and modern control systems DCS and PLC.
The course, which was attended by many graduates and continuing students, aims to introduce participants to flow measurement devices and enable participants to identify valves and control systems. These courses fall within the outputs of the Industrial Advisory Council, which the Continuing Education Center at the Southern Technical University seeks to implement in cooperation with the General Company for Electric Power Production in the Southern Region.
