The Women’s Empowerment Unit at the Qurna Technical Institute within the Southern Technical University organized a workshop on rationalizing water and energy and preserving cleanliness and the environment within the annual plan, with the participation of a number of the Institute’s employees. The symposium aims to shed light on the importance of rationalizing water consumption and the flow of its development, while enhancing the concept of rationalization through awareness to change the consumption habits practiced by the individual, with an overview of the most important strategies, policies and all activities undertaken by the state to manage fresh water as a sustainable resource and protect the environment. The symposium included Ms. Sahira Yassin Hussein has several topics, including explaining ways to rationalize energy consumption by turning off lamps, computers, heating and cooling devices when not in use, and ensuring that the house is insulated through thermal insulation techniques, as well as explaining the impact of energy on the environment, as energy problems and environmental problems are linked to each other. Closely related to environmental pollution and its danger to health and the environment and how to deal with them through health and governmental institutions in general