The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the Nasiriyah Technical Institute within the Southern Technical University discussed combating violent extremism and the role of peaceful discourse in reducing it. This came during a workshop in which the teachers Iman Ajel Mansouri and Basema Taresh were present. Topics included the prevention of violent extremism through education and its prevention in… In light of spreading peaceful societal awareness as well as the efforts of the state and civil society institutions in combating terrorism and extremism, the workshop summarized the necessity of peaceful coexistence among individuals and the importance of creating reconciliation devoid of all labels and developing a comprehensive strategy to combat extremism. At the conclusion of its work, the workshop recommended educating students through seminars and publications that limit this phenomenon, as well as establishing a platform or media institution concerned with exchanging ideas, moderating dialogue, training young people and enabling them to exchange positive messages and address hate speech on social media. The workshop was attended by the Dean of the Institute, Professor Dr. Khawam Raysan Hussein, the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, the Head of the Women’s Empowerment, Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit, the Head of the Electrical Technologies Department, and a number of professors, affiliates and students of the Institute.