The Basra Technical Institute, within the Southern Technical University, in cooperation with the Worlds of Al-Zahraa Cultural Foundation, held an awareness symposium on the phenomenon of drugs, the causes of their abuse and prevention. The symposium, which was lectured by Colonel Muhannad Abdel Hamid Abdel Majeed from the Strategic Center of the Community Police Department in Basra Governorate, included topics including the causes that lead to abuse and the serious psychological damage to society, in addition to the types of addiction and ways to prevent them. The symposium, which was attended by the Dean of the Institute and a group of associates and students, aimed to To introduce the phenomenon of addiction due to drugs, as well as its effects, complications, and treatment methods. The symposium concluded with recommendations, including strengthening the moral conscience of young people and developing interest in this segment through positive activities such as sports, drawing, programming, and others.