The College of Health and Medical Technologies within the Southern Technical University discusses a master’s thesis on biochemical tests for diabetics related to bacterial infections of the soft tissues of the foot

A master’s thesis on biochemical tests for diabetic patients related to bacterial infections of the soft tissues of the foot was discussed at the Faculty of Health and Medical Technologies at the Southern Technical University.

The thesis submitted by student Dalia Ghazi aims to investigate the biochemical changes in diabetic foot patients, to uncover the causes of foot infections or ulcers by isolating the bacterial causes of diabetic foot infections and determining antibiotic sensitivity and resistance of bacterial isolates.  The study recommended that low-risk patients should continue to undergo annual foot examinations, which may develop into medium or high risk, in addition to the necessity of foot care and blood sugar monitoring for individuals who are considered to be at medium or high risk, as well as those who suffer from peripheral vascular disease.  Or foot deformity.
