The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabee Hashem Al-Abbasi, met in his office with the Dean of the Administrative Technical College in Basra, the Assistant Professor Dr. Jaber Hussein Ali and his assistant for scientific affairs, where he blessed them to adopt the Bologna Process as a new academic system.
Al-Abbasi indicated that the university has been working for years on this important educational project, as it participated in the workshop and meetings held by UNESCO in this regard.
Pointing out that the Department of Information Technology in the Administrative Technical College is the first department in which this system will be applied, starting from the current academic year.
From his part, the Dean expressed the college’s readiness, scientifically and logistically, to implement this important program, which will be a quantum leap on the scientific and professional levels to serve the students, since the curricula that will be taught through it simulate the labor market.
It helps create more sustainable job opportunities and the Bologna project is another major step towards expanding this horizon for young people in the education system.