The President of the Southern Technical University Receives the President of Perm State University Russia# Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Perm State University# A Delegation from LUKOIL the Russian Oil Company, Accompanies the President of Perm State University During the Visit to the University

The President of the Southern Technical University Welcomes the President of Perm State University, Russia

#Signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Russia’s Perm University

#Lukoil delegation accompanies Perm University president on university visit

University Media[]

The President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdullah Atiq, received the President of Perm State University, Anton Petrovichikov, along with a delegation from LUKOIL, the Russian oil company, represented by the directors of the Human Resources, Training, and Development departments. The event took place at the College of Engineering, Basra, in the presence of the Vice President of the Higher Education Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, Dr. Yasin Hassan Al-Amiri.

The university president welcomed the visiting delegation, who toured the scientific laboratories in the College of Engineering, Basra. The delegation expressed their admiration for the scientific level and technical information provided by these laboratories to undergraduate and graduate students.

The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding took place in the conference hall of the College of Engineering, Basra, and began with reading Surah Al-Fatiha for the souls of the martyrs, followed by the national anthems of Iraq and Russia. This was followed by a welcoming speech by the President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdullah Atiq, who expressed his joy at this visit and the signing of the MoU. He also thanked the Ministry of Higher Education, represented by the Minister, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, and the Scientific Undersecretary, Dr. Haider Abdul-Dahd. He also expressed his gratitude to the Cultural Attaché of the Iraqi Embassy in Russia and appreciated the ongoing support of Dr. Yasin Al-Amiri, a member of the Iraqi Parliament, who maintains continuous communication with the Southern Technical University.

Following that, Anton Petrovichikov, the President of Perm State University, delivered a speech in which he thanked the Southern Technical University and the University President for the warm reception and hospitality. He also praised the clear scientific efforts presented by the Southern Technical University for its students.

Dr. Yasin Hassan Al-Amiri, Vice President of the Higher Education Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, in his speech during the signing ceremony, welcomed the visiting delegation, praising Russia’s scientific advancements and highlighting the significance of signing such a Memorandum of Understanding, which will have valuable positive effects on the university and the southern governorates where the university’s branches are located.

The reception of the visiting delegation and the signing of the MoU were attended by the University’s Scientific Assistant, Prof. Dr. Aqeel Yusuf, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Basra, Prof. Dr. Leila Blasim, the Dean of the Technical Administrative Institute, Basra, Dr. Iman Askar, as well as several department heads from the university and the scientific departments at the college.
