Implementation Division / Construction and Projects Division

Duties of the Execution Section

:The following tasks are assigned

  • On-site supervision of project implementation and presence at the work site within the scope of the resident engineer’s duties.
  • Accepting or rejecting the executed work.
  • Following up on laboratory tests and evaluating results.
  • Monitoring the implementation of both hidden and visible measurements for completed work.
  • Preparing and auditing advances paid to contractors and issuing administrative orders for that in coordination with the planning department.
  • Comparing actual work progress with the work schedule and assessing contractor performance.
  • Following up on preliminary and final acceptance procedures when projects are completed.
  • Monitoring final measurements for completed projects and settling the contractor’s accounts.
  • Reviewing items within and beyond 20%, new items, canceled items, and additional durations.
  • Proposing prices for new items and those exceeding 20%.
  • Participating in committees for opening and auditing bids and recommending the award.
  • Guiding the colleges and technical institutes of the Southern Technical University on how to prepare lists and plans, especially for building rehabilitation and dormitory projects.
  • Auditing designs and plans prepared by consulting offices for the investment plan and regional development in collaboration with skilled engineers in other departments.